Join us to compete in the CFG Sealed RCQ on Sunday, March 23rd!
With Force of Despair and $100 Ampersand Old Gnawbone to first place, Neon Cavern of Souls to 2nd-4th, and stunning Omenpath lands for other top finishers, this is an event you don’t want to miss.
Spots are limited, so sign up today and secure your chance to shine!
Event Date: 3/23
Event Start: 11:00 AM
Entry Fee: $50
Player Cap: 48
Format: Sealed
Prize Support:
Top 8 will be paid out in Store Credit based on winning records.
( $30 from each player will be added to the prize pool. Players may cash out store credit for a small percentage. The other $10 is to help cover Judge costs. )
Card Prizes:
Participation Prize: Mayhem Devil
Top 8: Force of Despair
First and Second: Foil Force of Despair and Invite
3/23 Additional Card Prizes:
Ampersand Old Gnawbone ($100MP), 3x Neon Yellow Cavern of Souls ($40MP) - Distributed to Top 4
Foil Omenpath Land to Top 8 Participants
Promos will be distributed by ranking.
To advance to Worlds you will first have to win an RCQ to be invited to the Regional Championship! The winner(s) of the invites will then face off against other winners at a future championship event!
This event will be run at Competitive Rules Enforcement Level. Decklists will be required.